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Pregnancy skincare products that provide a brilliant, safe alternative to products containing powerful retinol and salicylic acid ingredients.

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When things go wrong at a nuclear power plant, they can go very wrong. The reality is that outside of some high-profile disasters, nuclear power is extremely safe

“Opioids can be very safe if used as prescribed, but they are powerful medications that need to be respected,” said Seddon Savage, M.D., associate professor of

Creating Alternatives to Although conflict is part of everyday life, it does not have to lead to . Dealing positively with conflict can help people

So your is underweight, not eating well, not growing well. You’ve been told to give him calorie dense drinks like Ensure, Pediasure, or Boost; lots of butter

Natural Alternatives to Ritalin (Methylphenidate), for s with ADHD. Dr. Allen Buresz – “In 1996 the World Health Organization warned that Ritalin over-use has

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Find about the alternatives to drinking dairy milk, the nutritional values of those alternatives, how they compare to each other and dairy and the health benefits of

Jan 29, 2009 · Why take potentially dangerous drugs when so many alternatives have been proven to work better?

Depression, at a minimum, can offer us some impetus to examine and change our lives. Take a closer look at antidepressants and some natural alternatives.

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Safeteen is an internationally recognized prevention strategy that empowers youth in their social, mental, physical and sexual safety. Delivering life

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