Current Ethnic Conflict

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Ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic or religious groups from a given territory by a more powerful ethnic group, with the intent of making it

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The age-old rift between the two main sects of Islam lies at the center of the Middle East, and may turn even more violent.

The conflict in Syria began as an offshoot of the 2011 Arab Spring uprisings. Sparked on April 29th in the town of Daraa by a group of 13 mans who wrote on

A new place to explore and discuss ideas for moving beyond the complex intractable conflict problems that threaten human society. Participate in the MOOS Seminars here

New and Recent Conflicts of the World: The world is a violent place, and for various political, economic, religious and other reasons, wars and conflicts

An ethnic conflict is a conflict between two or more contending ethnic groups. While the source of the conflict may be political, social, economic or religious, the

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Extant explanations of ethnic conflict typically fall under two fundamental theories. Neither can independently explain ethnic conflicts satisfactorily.

A new place to explore and discuss ideas for moving beyond the complex intractable conflict problems that threaten human society. Participate in the MOOS Seminars here

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ethnic conflict: a form of conflict in which the objectives of at least one party are defined in ethnic terms, and the conflict, its antecedents, and possible

A journal of contemporary world affairs providing annual coverage of China, the former Soviet Union, the Middle East, Latin America, and Africa and a monthly

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